FEBRUARY 15 - 18, 2021
HELP? If you received a message that your e-mail was not registered, or have any other strange messages, e-mail Kelly Fogarty and she will help you navigate into the meeting.
There are still a few dusty corners we are cleaning up, but go ahead and start looking around. Click here for guidelines on how to take your first steps inside the meeting platform.
Don’t miss the SRM Opening Welcome on Monday morning. Look in the “SRM-Focus events” in the schedule or just search for “Opening Welcome” in the meeting platform. In this session, Karen and Lysandra will show you around the site and give tips on how to get the most our of the meeting.
Engaging plenary presentations and discussions addressing rangeland challenges will be live-streamed for anyone to view.
Monday, February 15
Inside and Outside the Ranch Gate: How Do We Conserve Ranches and Support Stewardship?
Tuesday, February 16
Adapt (or Succumb) to Climate Change on Rangelands
Wednesday, February 17
Wicked Problems in Wildland Fire
Live-streamed Plenary Sessions can be viewed on the SRM YouTube Channel and Facebook each day at:
12pm PST | 1pm MST | 2pm CST
• SRM Members – $100
• Non-Members- $125
• SRM Student/Young Professionals* – $50
• Non-SRM Student/Young Professional – $75
*Young Professional Members are in their first 5 years in the profession.