Presentations & Posters
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Ecosystem Restoration
Fire on Rangelands
Grazed Ecosystems
Rangeland Habitat Diversity
Wildlife Habitat & Management
Ways of Improvement of Degraded Pastures in the Foothill and Mountain Zone of the Shakhrisyab District
RestoreNet: An emerging restoration network reveals controls on seeding success across western drylands
Plant and Soil Response to Irrigation, Fertilization, and Mowing on Agricultural Fields
Finding the Sweet Spot for Control: Age and Growth Rate Relationships of Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) in Eastern South Dakota
Effects of Salt-Impacted Soil on Native Seed Imbibition and Germination
Science-Management Information Gaps and Solutions for Surface Management of Oil and Gas in the Intermountain West
Using Conservation Planning Software to Optimize Conifer Treatment in Sage-Grouse Habitat Within the Great Basin
Understory Vegetation Change Following Woodland Reduction Varies by Plant Community Type and Seeding Status: A Region-Wide Assessment of Ecological Benefits and Risks
Promoting Rangeland Health in Southeastern British Columbia, Canada, Through Invasive Plant Control and the Re-Establishment of the Native Plant Community
How You Chop Matters: Plant and Mule Deer Responses to Tree Removal by Three Methods
Oil and Gas Reclamation on US Public Lands: How It Works and Improving the Process with Land Potential Concepts
Restoring Arid and Semi-Arid Rangeland Soil Microbial Communities and Belowground Ecosystem Function: Surface Coal Mine Reclamation
Establishing Native C4 Tallgrasses on Degraded Rangeland in Central South Dakota
Utah Watershed Restoration Initiative Partnership
The Land Treatment Exploration Tool: A Practical Resource for Managers Planning Rehabilitation and Restoration Actions
Costs and Benefits of Pinyon-Juniper Removal for Public and Private Land Managers: A Case Study in Central Nevada
Contemporary Techniques Used to Address Soil Compaction on Reclaimed Grasslands
Plant Community Dynamics on a Restored Fracking Pond
Using Targeted Grazing to Mitigate Wildfire Risk by Reducing Fine Fuel Loads in British Columbia’s Wildland/Urban Interface
Cattle Grazing Reduces Fine Fuels and Wildfire Intensity in California Rangelands
The Effects of Grass Invasion and Fire Severity on Acacia koa Regeneration
Wildfire Negatively Impacts Greater Sage-Grouse: A Before-After-Control-Impact-Paired-Series Assessment
Fuel Break Effectiveness Linked to Accessibility, Environmental Conditions, and Treatment Type in a Retrospective Assessment of Wildfires Across the Western U.S.
Monitoring the Effects of Fire on Plant Communities and Wildlife Use in the Southern Great Plains
Sage-Grouse Response to Wildfire: Analyses of Range-Wide Effects and Relationships Between Sage-Grouse Demography and Underlying Post-Fire Sagebrush Recovery Processes
Effects of fire energy on resprouting vigor of Honey Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa)
Patch-Burn Grazing Extends Flower Availability and Synchrony in Rangelands
Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma americanum) Response to Vegetative Changes Wrought by Season of Prescribed Fire in a Semi-Arid Savanna Ecosystem
Mismatches in Prescribed Fire Awareness and Implementation in Oklahoma, USA
Effects of Pyric-Herbivory on Plant Community Dynamics in the Northern Mixed-grass Prairie
Shifting Savanna Stability: Assessing Semi-Arid Grassland Dynamics via Experimental Manipulations of Fire Disturbance and Non-Native Herbivore Impacts
Gulf Cordgrass Community Vegetation Response to a 3-Year Fire Return Interval of Winter and Summer Prescribed Burning
Small Mammal Community Responses to Fire and Grazing in the Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie
Contrasts in Vegetation Mineral Content with Patch-Burn Grazing
Harvest and Grazing Efficiency of Forage Grazed by Cattle on the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument
Investigating the Effects of Different Harvesting Intensities on Forage Production in Sahand Rangelands of Eastern Azerbaijan Province, Iran
Collaborative Adaptive Rangeland Management, Multi-paddock Rotational Grazing, and the Story of the Regrazed Grass Plant
Livestock and Prairie Dog Impact on Plant Community Production and Composition Across Three Ecological Sites
Sustainable Cattle Ranching as a Woody Encroachment Management Tool in the Temperate Savannas of the Southern Cone of South America
Testing Management-Intensive Cattle Grazing as a Restoration Tool in Semi-Arid Rangelands
Why Do Western U.S. Rangeland Managers Continue to Struggle with Reducing Wild Horse Populations?
Recovery of the Herbaceous Component of Sagebrush Steppe Unimpeded by 75 Years of Moderate Cattle Grazing
Replicating Grazing Modeling Experiments: Challenges and Opportunities for New Insights
Texas Wintergrass Physiological Responses to Targeted Grazing and Microsite Location
Arizona Extension Rangeland Monitoring Programs
Quantifying Growing-Season Competition Between Prairie Dogs and Cattle in Shortgrass Steppe
Grazing for Biodiversity in Central California: Hands-on and Science-Based Range Management
777 Bison Ranch South Dakota Excellence in Range Management Award Winner 2019
A Preliminary Evaluation of Beef Water Footprint Values on Long-Term Light, Medium, and Heavy Grazed Rangeland
Monitoring Sandhills Rangelands: Evaluating Difference in Plant Community Dynamics Across Ranch Management Strategies
Photosynthetic pigment content of Artemisia diffusa in response to different grazing intensities in rangelands of Uzbekistan
Testing a Management Strategy That Is Affordable, Effective, and Results in Profits and Improved Ecology
Is Sagebrush for the Birds?
A Grass Fly’s [conioscinella Nuda (Diptera: Chloropidae)] Preference Among Four Native Warm-Season Grasses
Grazing System and Legacy Effects of Cultivation on Soil Microbial Diversity in the Canadian Prairie.
The Biodiversity Attributes of Sandsage Prairie Rangelands
Landscape Prioritization for Bird-Friendly Ranching Using Hierarchical Models
Ecological Implications of Plant Secondary Metabolites – Phytochemical Diversity Can Enhance Agricultural Sustainability
Technology to Support Land Manager Decision-Making – Using the LandPKS “Habitat” Module to Improve Land Resilience and Wildlife Habitat
Time Since Fire and Livestock Species Influence Butterfly Populations in Post-Conservation Reserve Program Landscapes
Shelterbelt Use and its Effect on Honey Bee Colony Health in the Northern Great Plains
Are All Floral Resources Equal? Characterizing the Bee Communities Utilizing Exotic Floral Resources in the Northern Great Plains
Promoting Aspen Recruitment via Livestock Reduction Is Contingent on Wild Ungulate Presence in Semi-Arid Rangelands
Linking Plant, Insect, and Bird Responses to Grazing on Conservation Reserve Program Grasslands
Comparing Floral Resources between Native Prairie and Seeded Old Fields on the Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie
The Effect of Brush Canopy Coverage on Trap Site Success for Northern Bobwhites
Bobwhite Response to Cattle Grazing in South Texas
Bison Diet in Badlands National Park, South Dakota
Population Trends and Distributional Changes: Water Availability Influences Bi-State Greater Sage-Grouse in a Stochastic Environment
Free-roaming Horses Disrupt Greater Sage-Grouse Lekking Activity in the Great Basin
Horse Trading for Grouse: Exceeding Appropriate Management Levels Adversely Affects Sage-Grouse Populations
Evaluating the Greater Sage-Grouse Umbrella for Grassland Birds in Northeastern Wyoming
Temperature and Fire Management Interact to Influence the Thermal Landscape for a Terrestrial Turtle
Assessing the Impacts of Mid-Contract Management on Lesser Prairie-Chicken Use of Conservation Reserve Program Lands
Grazing by Grizzlies: Forage Selection and Associated Endocrine Profiles in an Omnivore.
The Importance of Fire Severity for Bighorn Sheep Habitat Restoration
Human Policy Influences Roosting Ecology of An Imperiled Prairie Grouse
Analysis of Survey Methodologies for Wintering Rio Grande Wild Turkey in Cross Timbers and Post Oak Savannah Ecoregions.
A Web-Based Tool to Assess Sage Grouse Habitat
Diet Composition of Vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) Using Stool Microhistology Technique
Simulation Model of Vicuñas Population Dynamics in Changing Environmental and Management Scenarios